Research through Design in Landscape Architecture (CLL)
Public lecture by Sanda Lenzholzer,
Full Professor at Wageningen University
Thursday 20 April 2023 16:00-17:30, Rolighedsvej 23, Frederiksberg C, Auditorium 'Landscape'
What relations between designing and researching are useful and perhaps necessary to consider, when framing our actions and discourses today? The relationship between design and science has been debated in practice and academia throughout decades and in particular the notion of Research through Design (RTD) has caught attention as a respected research method. In this lecture, Sanda Lenzholzer will elaborate on the use of RTD techniques and associated methods such as Research on design and Research for design.
Based on an actualised discussion of these approaches, Sanda Lenzholzer will share her work with these methodological concepts and their implications for landscape architecture practice and education.
The lecture is part of targeted initiative concerning research integration at the landscape architecture education at UCPH, focusing on research-design-education dynamics.
The lecture will be followed by an informal reception
Sanda Lenzholzer is Full Professor at Wageningen University, Visiting professor at Politecnico di Milano and Principal Investigator at Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions (AMS). She studied Landscape Architecture in Germany and Urbanism in the UK. Subsequently she worked as a designer in practice in the Netherlands and Germany. In 2004 she changed to academia, to Wageningen University, and has specialized in climate-oriented design and the relationship between research and design. She contributes to improving the knowledge basis of climate-responsive urban and landscape design. Furthermore, she conducted extensive studies into the methodology of Research Through Design, especially in landscape architecture.
More information about Copenhagen Landscape Lecture Series
Organised by
Anne Wagner, Torben Dam, Anne Tietjen and Jan Støvring
For more information contact Anne Wagner,