Final Appraisal for Tenure Track Assistant Professor Manja Hoppe Andreasen

Expanding urban peripheries

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Manja Hoppe Andreasen’s research is concerned with the drivers and dynamics of urban expansion in rapidly urbanizing low- and middle-income countries.

Since being employed as assistant professor, Manja has examined the drivers and dynamics of ongoing transformations on the peripheries of large, rapidly growing African cities. Her research offers insights on the social logics and motivations of diverse actors involved in land transactions, investments and property development in urban fringe areas and the influence of urban governance arrangements on these processes.

Manja's research sheds light on persistent planning challenges associated with unregulated modes of urban expansion, which may undermine efforts to build sustainable, inclusive and resilient cities. Her research offers insights of relevance to central policy agendas shaping contemporary cities, including climate change resilience, land formalization, settlement upgrading, infrastructure expansion and sustainable transport systems.

In her appraisal seminar, Manja will introduce her research agenda and present her work during the past six years as a Tenure Track Assistant Professor. She will also present her plans on advancing the agenda in the future in research and teaching.

 Assessment committee:

  • Chair of the committee: Associate Dean for Innovation and External Relations
    Jesper Wengel, Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen
  • Head of Department, Professor Vivian Kvist Johannsen, University of Copenhagen
  • Deputy Head of Education, Professor Ole Mertz
  • External Opponent: Professor Susan Parnell, Bristol University
  • External Opponent, Professor Katherine Gough, Loughborough University