Restoring Nature, Rebuilding Community: Reflections on 40 Years of Action Research


Public lecture by Anne Whinston Spirn,
Professor of Landscape Architecture at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Monday 16 September 2024 17:00-18:30, Bülowsvej 17, Frederiksberg C, Festauditoriet

What would it mean for a city to be ecologically robust and socially just? What would such a place be like? Through what means might such a vision be accomplished? And how might change be created and sustained? These are not questions to be explored in the abstract. They call for action research, for testing ideas in practice, engaging with real people, in actual places, to make discoveries from which principles can be drawn.

For the past four decades, Anne Whiston Spirn’s research and teaching has demonstrated how to combine concerns for environment, poverty, race, social equity, and educational reform and how university resources can be leveraged to address environmental and social challenges that confound society. These initiatives have resulted in real projects and programs in partnership with community residents, and they contributed to a revolution in water-quality management represented by Philadelphia's landmark, billion-dollar “green” infrastructure project.

Join the lecture and hear Anne Whinston Sprin elaborate on this field.

The lecture will be followed by an informal reception


Anne Whiston Spirn is the Cecil and Ida Green Distinguished Professor of Landscape Architecture and Planning at MIT. The American Planning Association named her first book, The Granite Garden: Urban Nature and Human Design (1984), as one of the 100 most important books of the 20th century and credited it with launching the ecological urbanism movement. Since 1987, Spirn has directed the West Philadelphia Landscape Project (WPLP), an action research project whose mission is to restore nature and rebuild community through strategic design, planning, and education programs ( Spirn’s second book, The Language of Landscape (1998), argues that landscape is a form of language. She continued to develop the subject of visual literacy and visual thinking in her award-winning book, Daring to Look:  Dorothea Lange’s Photographs and Reports from the Field (2008), and The Eye Is a Door: Landscape, Photography, and the Art of Discovery (2014). Prior to MIT, Spirn taught at Harvard University and at the University of Pennsylvania. Spirn’s work has been recognized by many awards, including Japan’s International Cosmos Prize for “contributions to the harmonious coexistence of nature and mankind,” and the National Design Award for Design Mind, for “a visionary who has had a profound impact on design theory, practice, or public awareness.” Spirn’s homepage is a gateway to her work and activities:



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