Christoph Korte

Christoph Korte


  1. 2012
  2. Udgivet

    Palaeoenvironmental changes in the Late Triassic (Rhaetian) of the Northern Calcareous Alps: clues from stable isotopes and microfossils

    Mette, W., Elsler, A. & Korte, Christoph, 2012, I: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology - An International Journal for the Geo-Sciences. 350–352, s. 62–72 11 s.

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  3. Udgivet

    Stable Chromium isotopes as tracer for paleoclimatic processes recorded in marine carbonates of the Late Neoproterozoic

    Rodler, A., Frei, Robert, Gaucher, C., Ullmann, C. V. & Korte, Christoph, 2012, s. 142.

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  4. Udgivet

    Stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes of Permian–Triassic boundary sections in the regions of Julfa (NW Iran) and Abadeh (Central Iran)

    Skonieczna, L., Ghaderi, A., Hairapetian, V., Korn, D., Korte, Christoph, Reimold, W., Schobben, M. & Struck, U., 2012.

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  5. 2011
  6. Udgivet

    Danian outer shelf carbonates with bryozoan mound belts and deep-water coral reef complexes in NW- Europe,

    Bjerager, M. G. E., Lauridsen, B. W., Surlyk, Finn, Stemmerik, L., Lykke-Andersen, H., Thibault, Nicolas Rudolph, Morigi, C., Korte, Christoph & Rasmussen, Jan Audun Liljeroth, jul. 2011.

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  7. Udgivet

    Development of cold-water coral reefs in the Early Paleocene of southern Scandinavia

    Bjerager, M. G. E., Lauridsen, B. W., Surlyk, Finn, Stemmerik, L., Lykke-Andersen, H., Thibault, Nicolas Rudolph, Morigi, C. & Korte, Christoph, apr. 2011. 1 s.

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  8. Udgivet

    A novel proxy links CAMP volcanism with end-Triassic mass extinction and early Jurassic evolution

    Ruhl, M., Bjerrum, C. J., Frei, R. & Korte, Christoph, 2011, I: Mineralogical Magazine. 75, 3

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  9. Udgivet

    Bio- and chemostratigraphic assessment of carbon isotope records across the Triassic–Jurassic boundary at Csovár quarry (Hungary) and Kendlbachgraben (Austria) and implications for global correlations

    Korte, Christoph & Kozur, H. W., 2011, I: Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark. 59, s. 101–115 14 s.

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  10. Udgivet

    Carbonate microfacies and d13Ccarb and d15N systematics across the Permian–Triassic boundary near Julfa (NW Iran)

    Skonieczna, L., Korn, D., Ghaderi, A., Korte, Christoph, Reimold, W. & Struck, U., 2011, I: GSA Abstracts with Program. 43, 5, s. 506

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  11. Udgivet

    Deep-water coral reef complexes and bryozoan mound belts in the Danian of NW-Europe

    Bjerager, M., Lauridsen, B. W., Surlyk, Finn, Stemmerik, L., Lykke-Andersen, H., Thibault, Nicolas Rudolph, Morigi, C., Korte, Christoph & Rasmussen, J. A., 2011, s. 201.

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  12. Udgivet

    Early and Middle Jurassic d13C and d18O trends: a high resolution dataset from the UK

    Korte, Christoph, Hesselbo, S. & Ullmann, C. V., 2011. 1 s.

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ID: 14339419