The role of chemical transport in the brown-rot decay resistance of modified wood

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Chemical modification of wood increases decay resistance but the exact mechanisms remain poorly understood. Recently, Ringman and coauthors examined established theories addressing why modified wood has increased decay resistance and concluded that the most probable cause of inhibition and/or delay of initiation of brown-rot decay is lowering the equilibrium moisture content. In another recent study, Jakes and coauthors examined moisture-induced wood damage mechanisms, including decay and fastener corrosion, and observed that these mechanisms require chemical transport through wood cell walls. They proposed that chemical transport within wood cell walls is controlled by a moisture-induced glass transition in interconnected networks of hemicelluloses and amorphous cellulose. This paper shows how these models jointly suggest mechanisms by which wood modifications can inhibit brown-rot. Alternative mechanisms are also discussed. These models can be used to understand and further improve the performance of wood modification systems.
TidsskriftInternational Wood Products Journal
Udgave nummer2
Sider (fra-til)66-70
StatusUdgivet - 2016

ID: 168453417