Silviculture, Trees and Bioresources

The research group studies the forest as an ecosystem, including its relation to the surrounding landscapes and the functioning of the individual tree. The overall goal is to strengthen our understanding of how and why forest management, silviculture and climate change affect trees, forests, their wood production, carbon balance and storage, and biodiversity.


  •  Silviculture and forest management
  • Trees and forests in relation to climate change mitigation and adaptation
  •  Ecosystem recovery and restoration
  • Monitoring of forests and assessment of their development in productivity, health, carbon balance, and biodiversity indicators.
  • Forest and wood resource systems analysis
  • Sustainability governance of forests and biomass
  • Tree biology and dendroecology
  • Utilisation of wood and other bioresources
  • Innovation and industrial dynamics of bioresource use from a circular economy perspective
  • The geopolitics of resource use in Denmark and globally


Current research projects/ongoing key projects


  • Biodiversity in Urban Nature (MSc)
  • Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation and Mitigation (MSc)
  • Climate Change and Land Use (MSc)
  • Climate Solutions (MSc)
  • Design by Management (MSc)
  • Energy Systems and Climate Mitigation (MSc)
  • Ecosystem Services from Forests and Nature (MSc)
  • Ecology and Ecosystems Science in relation to Environmental Economics (MSc)
  • Experimental Plant Science (MSc)
  • Geoengineering (MSc)
  • Juletræer og Pyntegrønt (BSc)
  • Landscape and Restoration Ecology (BSc/MSc)
  • Land Use and Environmental Modelling
  • Life Cycle Assessment within Biological Production Systems (MSc)
  • Naturgrundlaget 1 – Planter og Landskab (BSc)
  • Naturressourcer og Økologi
  • Silviculture of Temperate Forests (MSc)
  • Skadedyr og sygdomme of skov- og bytræer (BSc/MSc)
  • Summer course: Understanding Sustainability (BSc)
  • Thematic course: Nature, Environment and Society
  • Thematic course: Ecology and Management of Forests and other semi-natural terrestrial ecosystems (MSc)
  • Tree Biology and Arboriculture (MSc)
  • Plant-based Materials: Structure and Performance from Nano to Macro Scale (MSc)
  • Green and Circular Economy -Dynamics and Governance, Danida yearly course for medium and top managers from the Global South
  • Extended Producer Responsibility, Danida yearly course for managers from the Global South


INFOBIOM – Nordic network for integrated forest resource and biodiversity monitoring

European National Forest Inventory Network

CARISMA - Center of Advanced Research for the innovative use of 3D remote sensing in mapping of forest and landscape attributes based on national forest inventories.

International Energy Agency’s Technical Collaboration Platform: IEA Bioenergy Task 45 – Climate and Sustainability,

CAR-ES – Centre of Advanced Research on Environmental Services from Nordic Forest Ecosystems

IUFRO – International Union of Forest Research Organisations



Members of the research group

Name Title Phone E-mail
Search in Name Search in Title Search in Phone
Anders Ræbild Associate Professor +4535331619 E-mail
Annemarie Bastrup-Birk Senior Researcher +4535331897 E-mail
Bruno Bilde Jørgensen Senior Adviser +4535331694 E-mail
Carl-Fredrik Johannesson PhD Student   E-mail
Ditlev Otto Juel Reventlow Postdoc +4535331916 E-mail
Emil Engelund Thybring Associate Professor - Promotion Programme +4535334433 E-mail
Erik Dahl Kjær Professor +4535331624 E-mail
Hanne Nina Rasmussen Associate Professor Emerita +4535331703 E-mail
Hans Peter Ravn Associate Professor Emeritus +4535331663 E-mail
Helle Jakobe Martens Associate Professor +4528960218 E-mail
Ib Holmgård Sørensen Forest and Landscape Engineer +4535331715 E-mail
Iben Margrete Thomsen Senior Adviser +4535331664 E-mail
Inge Stupak Associate Professor +4535331665 E-mail
Johannes H.C. de Koning Assistant Professor +4593850502 E-mail
Jørgen Bo Larsen Professor Emeritus +4535331688 E-mail
Karsten Raulund-Rasmussen Professor +4535331666 E-mail
Katrine Skovsen Research Assistant +4535320126 E-mail
Lars Nørgaard Hansen Researcher +4535336160 E-mail
Lisbeth Garbrecht Thygesen Professor +4535331733 E-mail
Lise-Lotte Løndall Holm Hansen Forest and Landscape Engineer +4535330607 E-mail
Maj Munch Andersen Associate Professor +4535323807 E-mail
Mathilde Juul Østergaard Research Assistant +4535331595 E-mail
Morten Alban Academic Staff +4520921568 E-mail
Morten Ingerslev Associate Professor +4535331676 E-mail
Nick Merriman Research Assistant   E-mail
Niclas Scott Bentsen Associate Professor +4535331714 E-mail
Prescott Huntley Brownell II PhD Fellow +4535324839 E-mail
Rachel Maree Kristensen Research Assistant +4535322082 E-mail
Runa Bjerre Henriksen Academic Research Staff   E-mail
Simon Skov Senior Adviser +4540175040 E-mail
Thomas Kudahl Forester +4535331716 E-mail
Thomas Nord-Larsen Senior Researcher +4535331758 E-mail
Torben Riis-Nielsen Special Consultant +4535331625 E-mail

Head of Research Group

Niclas Scott Bentsen
Associate Professor
