Trees 2025.03.14 What we can learn from Malawi: Trees can benefit health, economy and climate Denmark's Green Tripartite Agreement aims to plant trees in an effort to restore nature and reduce…
2025.02.10 Soil microbiome inoculation could enhance forest restoration on post-agricultural lands Researchers from the Silva Nova Project explore how soil microbiome inoculation could accelerate…
climate change 2024.12.09 Warming temperatures may shrink wetland carbon sinks An international team of scientists buried 19,000 bags of green tea and rooibos in 180 wetlands…
New research centre 2024.10.08 How can we effectively monitor the world’s tree resources down to the level of individual trees? TreeSense focuses on the critical role of trees in terrestrial ecosystems, such as climate…
Climate 2024.08.13 Trees are key to better nutrition and climate in Malawi Today, poor quality diets are the largest contributors to global morbidity, with one in three peopl…
Climate change 2024.06.13 Climate change and plant growth on the Tibetan Plateau Global warming over the last three decades has significantly altered patterns of plant growth on th…
Artificial Intelligence 2024.06.12 AI method reveals millions of dead trees hidden among the living before California’s historic 2020 wildfires University of Copenhagen scientists may have found a new explanation for the California wildfires o…
fødevarer 2024.06.03 Greenhouses cover more and more of Earth’s surface Greenhouse cultivation is booming globally, especially in the Global South – and across one country…
Ice sheet 2024.05.30 Local bright spot among melting glaciers: 2000 km of Antarctic ice-covered coastline has been stable for 85 years A whaler's forgotten aerial photos from 1937 have given researchers at the University of Copenhagen…
Global Wetland Center 2024.05.06 In search of a very special plant: red peat moss (Sphagnum medium) We are in search of a very special plant that forms the entire basis of this landscape: red peat…
CLIMATE 2024.04.18 Increased CO2 emissions from world’s tundra surprise researchers As they warm, Arctic tundra environments will probably release 30% more CO2 than they do today – an…
Climate change 2024.04.16 Small towns in Tanzania matter to villagers’ ability to cope with climate change! Recent studies show that improved links between Tanzanian towns and villages improve rural life.…
Diversified farming 2024.04.05 Major study reports that people and environment both benefit from diversified farming, while bottom lines also thrive Mixing livestock and crops, integrating flower strips and trees, water and soil conservation and…
Geology 2024.03.21 New geological study: Scandinavia was born in Greenland The oldest Scandinavian bedrock was 'born' in Greenland according to a new geological study from th…
Methane 2024.02.29 Young researcher makes surprising methane discovery in Yukon glaciers: "Much more widespread than we thought" Global melting is prying the lid off methane stocks, the extent of which we do not know. A young…
Wetlands 2024.02.02 World Wetlands Day: Bogs hold an important key to the climate crisis Peat bogs store twice as much CO2 as all of the world's forests combined. A new research center at…
Climate 2024.01.31 New study reports that Greenland is a methane sink rather than a source Researchers at the University of Copenhagen have concluded that the methane uptake in dry landscape…
Rain water 2024.01.24 Innovative stormwater solution unveiled to tackle record rainfall in Denmark Denmark faced unprecedented rainfall in 2023, breaking historical records and posing ongoing…
Agriculture 2023.12.18 Large nitrous oxide emissions from flooded fields suggests action New research from IGN reveals unexpectedly large nitrous oxide emissions from the flooded fields on…
Climate 2023.11.09 New research: Fivefold increase in the melting of Greenland's glaciers over the last 20 years In the largest survey of its kind ever conducted, using both satellite imagery and old aerial photo…
Climate 2023.11.07 The beginning of the end for Greenland’s last remaining ice shelves A new study just published in Nature Communications, shows that Greenland’s last stable ice shelves…
Trees 2023.10.25 New study finds hidden trees across Europe: A billion tons of biomass is overlooked today Through satellite imaging a new AI driven mapping of biomass and CO2 storage from the University of…
weather 2023.08.16 Copenhagen’s safest bets for a dry weather bike ride You have a 25% greater risk of cycling in the rain if you live in Hellerup than if saddling up in…
Evolution 2023.07.18 Life on Earth didn’t arise as described in textbooks No, oxygen didn’t catalyze the swift blossoming of Earth’s first multicellular organisms. The…
Food security 2023.06.27 Wild foods contribute to women’s nutrition during the lean season Around the world poor people struggle with food insecurity. In some countries, food that grows…
CLIMATE 2023.06.13 New research center addresses wetlands’ potential to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases In the coming six years, a new research center, the Global Wetland Center, will contribute to…
pesticides 2023.06.08 Unsustainable coffee production is making more and more people sick Intensive pesticide use on coffee farms around the world is leading to progressively more reports o…
geography 2023.04.17 More women than men move out after widowhood Significantly more women than men move out when their partners pass away. This, according to a…
geology 2023.04.13 How did the Andes Mountains get so huge? A new geological research method may hold the answer How did the Andes – the world's longest mountain range – reach its enormous size? This is just one…
Sustainability 2023.04.12 Danish carpenters will learn to build homes with hemp and straw For the next three years, carpentry apprentices at vocational schools across Denmark will be taught…
2023.03.20 Turning data into drawings: distributing children’s books on wild forest foods in East Africa Research on how to improve food and nutrition security has the potential to make real-life…
Climate 2023.03.14 The counting of nine billion trees could help manage climate credits and nature restoration Researchers from the University of Copenhagen and NASA have developed a method that has now mapped…
2023.01.25 DKK 20 million from the A.P. Moller Foundation to the green transition In the future Geocenter Denmark with the participation of IGN will be able to collect seismic data…
climate 2022.12.21 Rwandan tree carbon stock mapped from above Breakthrough in climate change mitigation: Researchers at University of Copenhagen have developed…
Trees 2022.12.15 Santa’s finally got a Christmas tree farm in Greenland Many, especially Danes, consider Greenland the home of Father Christmas. However for the most part,…
Climate 2022.11.16 Arctic vegetation has a major impact on warming An international team of research scientists, University of Copenhagen researchers among them, has…
Coastal protection 2022.10.25 Disappearing coastlines: A smartphone and selfie stick can let us know by how much New mobile phone technology makes it possible to better monitor Danish coastlines, which recede up…
Climate 2022.10.25 By leaving garden waste alone, we could store 600,000 tons of CO2 per year We Danes shuttle nearly a million tons of garden waste from our gardens every year. But we would be…
Clima 2022.10.18 Vibrating trucks searched for Denmark's future underground CO2 storage sites Seismic studies of the deep soil layers in northwest Zealand will help researchers locate soil…
Plants 2022.09.09 Two grains, mutual gain: surviving drought through varietal collaboration Some draw water from the soil’s depths, while others absorb nutrients nearer to the surface with…
Arctic 2022.08.23 Popular research station reopens in Greenland: Danish zoologist recognized the greenhouse effect at same site in 1904 For more than a century, Arctic climate research has been collected and stored at the University of…
Greenhouse gas 2022.08.04 Wildfires affect the greenhouse gas balance of tundra heath ecosystem New CENPERM study on impact of wildfires published in Global Change Biology
Green transition 2022.06.20 New pioneer centre paves the way for the green transition in agriculture A new pioneer centrewas inaugurated on 1 June. The Centre will develop basic research-driven…
Greenhouse gases 2022.05.23 New measurements from Northern Sweden show less methane emissions than feared It is widely understood that thawing permafrost can lead to significant amounts of methane being…
Geology 2022.05.06 Telling actual time in ancient rocks In a new study published in Nature Communications, researchers from the University of Copenhagen…
Geology 2022.03.25 Groundbreaking earthquake discovery: Risk models overlook an important element Earthquakes themselves affect the movement of Earth's tectonic plates, which in turn could impact o…
Environment 2022.02.28 Deforestation reduces fruit and vegetable consumption in rural Tanzania New research explores a direct link between deforestation and people’s diets using data collected…
climate 2022.02.21 290 million new city dwellers benefit China's climate balance Contrary to popular belief, China’s massive emigration from rural areas to cities has been shown to…
Insects 2022.02.21 Insect wingbeats will help quantify biodiversity Insect populations are plummeting worldwide, with major consequences for our ecosystems and without…
Geography 2022.01.24 Satellite images reveal a nexus between war, cropland abandonment and food insecurity in South Sudan A new study sheds light on a complex interaction of armed conflict, cropland abandonment and…
Geology 2022.01.19 The early Earth may have behaved more like Venus A new study from the University of Copenhagen suggests that there may have been another form of…
Tundra fire 2021.08.17 Fire increases nutrient availability as well as N2O and CO2 production in Arctic tundra soils New study on low-intensity tundra fire experiments published in Science of the Total Environment
Book 2021.05.10 New edition of The ice-free Greenland – from molecule to landscape Bo Elberling publishes revised edition of his book on CENPERM’s research in Greenland
symposium 2021.03.19 Successful symposium on Arctic carbon and nitrogen dynamics - ArCaN-21 CENPERM organizes international symposium gathering international experts on Arctic ecosystems
prizes 2021.02.01 Rasmus Fenger-Nielsen receives Geography talent prize for his PhD thesis PhD prize from Royal Danish Geographical Society to CENPERM PhD thesis on threats of climate change…
Permafrost 2021.01.22 Permafrost promotes warmer headwater streams New study combines field observations and modeling to investigate the impact of permafrost on strea…
PhD defense 2020.05.19 PhD defense Rasmus Fenger-Nielsen PhD thesis on the impacts of permafrost thaw on archaeological sites in Greenland