Non-uniform groundwater discharge across a stream bed: Heat as a tracer

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  • Jannick Kolbjørn Jensen
  • Peter Knudegaard Engesgaard
Time series analysis of conO nuous streambed temperature during a period of 47 d revealed
that discharge to a stream is nonuniform, with strongly increasing verO cal fl uxes throughout
the top 20 cm of the streambed–aquifer interface. An analyO cal soluO on to the transient heat
transport equaO on was used to analyze several pairs of observed amplitude damping with
depth. A nonuniform pa¿ ern in discharge across the stream width was also observed, which
could have been caused by lateral or horizontal fl ow. Head measurements in a meadow area
and below the stream showed strong convergence of fl ow near the streambed. Seepage
meter measurements in the middle of the stream oO en resulted in highly variable fl ux esO -
mates, which could have been caused by hyporheic fl ow due to the presence of a gravel
layer. Discharge and recharge to the stream at the bank near the meadow was relaO vely
steady throughout the period. On the other hand, discharge to the stream at the opposite
bank near a steep hillslope decreased signifi cantly toward the end of the period (early June),
which was a¿ ributed to a drop in the water table on this side of the stream. The results from
the O me series analysis were compared with seepage meter measurements and the results
from a steady-state analyO cal soluO on to the heat transport equaO on. The diff erent methods
agreed on the pa¿ ern of discharge across the stream width, and the mean values during the
studied period generally agreed well but with diff erent ranges.
TidsskriftVadose Zone Journal
Udgave nummer1
Sider (fra-til)98-109
Antal sider11
StatusUdgivet - 2011

ID: 40384931