On File and As Files: Tracing Communicative Processes in the Byker Archive

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In this paper, we piece together threads of communicative processes between residents, architects, and other parties, as found in the lists and letters of the archive of the Byker Redevelopment in Newcastle Upon Tyne (1968-83). Documents that are usually discarded or neglected by architectural researchers-from a stack of various papers documenting residents’ lists of complaints, evaluative papers such as an audit report, and architects’ memos, to a resident’s letter of complaint-enable us to reconstruct, first, how a mainstream practice collected and filed residents’ experiences and understanding of their homes, and second, how, through the circulation of those papers in action as files, residents’ notes were also embedded in the design process.

Udgave nummer1
Sider (fra-til)21-36
Antal sider16
StatusUdgivet - 2023

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
See also: Kajita, H. S. ’When they feel they’ve got a beef’: Building on Residents’ Complaints in the Byker Archives. Scroope, 32, (in review); Kajita, H. S. (2023). gossip and Complaint: Ways of (Re-)Producing the Social in Housing “Expertly.” In A. Migotto & M. Tattara (Eds.), Contested Legacies: Critical Perspectives on Post-war Modern Housing. Leuven University Press; and, Kajita, H. S. (2022). Urgent minor matters: Re-Activating archival documents for social housing futures. Architecture and Culture, 10(3), 483–511. https://doi.org/10.1080/20507828.20 22.2093603. The research for these complementary papers was conducted for the project “(Im)Possible Instructions: Inscribing Use-value in the Architectural Design Process” funded by Independent Research Fund Denmark (gRANT_NUMBER: 9032-00006B - IPD) with Newcastle University and University of Copenhagen (2019-23).

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