Biogeochemistry The Research Group of Biogeochemistry (in forest and nature under change) study the cycles of water, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and other elements in terrestrial ecosystems.
Bioresource Chemistry and Technology Increased utilisation of biomass in our society is essential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate change
Ecology and Nature Management The research group conducts basic and applied research and teaching in systems ecology, conservation and restoration of habitats for flora and fauna in a wide range of natural, semi-natural and managed ecosystems.
Enzyme Ecology Our research is focused on the enzymes that catalyse degradation of plant cell walls in nature as well as in industrial biorefineries.
Forest Genetics and Diversity We apply quantitative and genomic tools in population genetic, ecological, domestication and eco-physiological studies. Several projects address the adaptation of tree species to present and future biotic and abiotic…
Tropical Trees and Landscapes Our objective is to mobilize and build capacity, carry out applied and basic research, provide training and education, and advisory services within the research area of tropical trees and landscapes.
Silviculture, Trees and Bioresources The research group studies the forest as an ecosystem, including its relation to the surrounding landscapes and the functioning of the individual tree.