Charlotte Sejr
35 32 85 77
Skov, natur og biomasse
Skovene udgør de største terrestriske plantesamfund på kloden. Derfor er viden om bæredygtig udnyttelse af træernes biologi og skovenes økosystemer helt afgørende, når det handler om klimaforskning, udvikling af grønne teknologier, og den generelle forståelse af planters biologi og evolution.
Vi har i vores forskning en naturvidenskabelig og eksperimentel tilgang – med hele kæden fra økosystem via forvaltning til produkter. Vores forskning udvikler sig løbende, og vi fokuserer på områder, hvor vi kan gøre en forskel, bidrage til at skabe ny viden og bringe forskningen videre.
The list is ordered alphabetically according to project title.
Afforestation techniques to mitigate climate change faster
Can inoculation with old forest soils speed up soil microbial development on afforested old agricultural lands and thereby enhance the greenhouse gas mitigation potential of afforestation? In connection to a novel, ongoing pot experiment, it is possible to do a project (bachelor, master or course project) using advanced, automatic chamber technologies to measure greenhouse gas exchange on different inoculation treatments and different tree species during the period August-November 2022. We are very interested to see if different inoculations affect the different components of greenhouse gas fluxes in tree saplings and soils. Potential greenhouse gas fluxes to be measured include CO2, CH4 and N2O. The project will be a valuable contribution to a larger, ongoing project (Silva Nova).
Contact: Klaus Steenberg Larsen ( or Sascha Hellmann Hansen (
Aldersklasser og træarter
En analyse af HedeDanmarks skovejeres aldersklasse og træartssammensætning. Giver det HD udfordringer i forhold til eksisterende setup, forhold til fremtidige afsætning af skovejerenes produkter og i forhold til HD’s forretning?
Contact Steen Riber, HedeDanmark, Kolding
Alternative træarter i en klimaændringsperspektiv (Skovdyrkning)
Hvad er et kvalificeret alternativ til det eksisterende træartsvalg set i et klimaændringsperspektiv? hvor finder vi de nye træarter, der skal gro i skovene? Træarter og anvendelse.
Contact Allan Bechsgaard, Skovrider, Hedesleskabet, HedeDanmark
Arven efter orkanen i ’99 – evaluering og fremtidigt plejebehov (Skovdyrkning)
Efter orkanen i 1999 blev der anlagt mange nye blandingsbevoksninger med en stor andel løvtræ. De anvendte kulturmodeller og træartssammensætninger har udviklet sig mere eller mindre ønskeligt og der er brug for at revidere målsætningen for de enkelte bevoksninger samt fastlægge plejeindgrebene i relation til målsætningen. Der ønskes en behandling af teknik og metoder ved disse plejeindgreb, samt en vurdering af økonomien heri.
Contact Martin Bösselmann, Regionschef, Skov, HedeDanmark
Benchmarking (Skovøkonomi)
Hvorledes kan en ejer vide, at han får/betaler de rigtige priser. Hvilke muligheder er der for at gennemføre ”benchmarking”, på priser og omkostninger, vedmassedata, tilvækst. Hvilke data er relevante for en skovejer i en ”benchmarking”?
Contact Rasmus Willumsen, HedeDanmark, Viborg
Dødt ved (Skovdyrkning)
Der ønskes udviklet og afprøvet en operationel og i praksis anvendelig metode til opgørelse af dødt ved (m3/ha).
Contact Leif Lauridsen, Skovfoged, Fyn, HedeDanmark
Dødt ved og flis (Skovdyrkning)
Case Aarhus Kommune: Hvordan afbalancerer man hensynet til efterladelse af dødt ved med produktion af flis fra toppe af gammelt løv, som både er en økonomisk gevinst og skaber et ryddeligt skovbillede, som mange publikummer foretrækker. Hvor meget dødt ved er nødvendigt af hensyn til biodiversiteten og i hvilken kvalitet (træart, diameter…..)? Og hvad koster det, at lade det ligge?
Contact Jesper Rasmussen, Regionschef, Skov, Viborg, HedeDanmark
Elletræer (N-fikserende) i skovrejsning - øger de N-udvaskning?
Rødel er meget anvendt som såkaldt ammetræ ved skovrejsning fordi disse træer vokser hurtigt og skaber skov’klima’. Men rødel er en N-fikserende plante og kan derfor bidrage til overskud af N. Mange steder planter man skov for at reducere N-udvaskningen, men vi ved ikke om brugen af rødel er en dårlig ide. Du kan kombinere et litteraturstudium med lidt feltarbejde.
Contact Per Gundersen
Er der altid nitratudvaskning i urørt skov?
Vi har høj kvælstofdeposition i Danmark. I de få urørte skove, hvor vi har målinger, er der betydelig nitratudvaskning. Betyder det, at hvis der ikke er en form for høst af biomasse og dermed eksport af N, så opstår der et N-overskud der udvaskes? Du kan kombinere et litteraturstudium med lidt feltarbejde på parvise urørte og drevne skove. Projektet bidrager til et større forskningsprojekt om kvælstof.
Contact Per Gundersen
Etablering af vedvildtagre ved såning (Natur- og vildtpleje)
Beskrivelse af etableringsmetodikker for såning af vedvildtagre.
Contact Morten Krogh, HedeDanmark, Viborg
Evaluering af Power-kultur (Skovdyrkning)
I 20?? blev der etableret afprøvning af en række hurtigt voksende træarter som sportræer i nåletræskulturer i Gedhus Pltg. Kulturerne er nu så store, at man kan drage de første skovdyrkningsmæssige erfaringer – specielt hvilke træarter, der trives som naboer og hvilke der IKKE gør det.
Contact Allan Bechsgaard, Skovrider, Hedeselskabet, Viborg/Odense/Kolding
Evaluering af tidlig skærmstilling i RGR på lette jorder (Skovdyrkning)
Evaluering af ”Agerskov-modellen”. I midten af firserne blev der udviklet en model til foryngelse af rødgran på den flade frostudsatte hedejord, som bestod i en tidlig skærmstilling tilendebragt inden 15-17 m med efterfølgende underplantning med arter, der på frostudsatte lokaliteter kræver skærm. Modellen blev udarbejdet ud fra et ønske om at kunne skifte træart og dermed forynge bevoksninger med andet ens rødgran og fyr. Hvordan er det så gået med de kulturer, der blev anlagt efter modellen, og giver en evaluering anledning til at ændre på modellen – evt. helt at opgive den?
Contact Allan Bechsgaard, Skovrider, Hedeselskabet, Viborg/Odense/Kolding
Gødningseffekt af flisaske i granskov
Man høster mere og mere flis i skovene til bioenergi. Efter forbrænding står man med flisaske, som man kan bringe tilbage i skoven. Man løser et affaldsproblem, men er der også en gødskningseffekt så træerne vokser bedre? Du kan kombinere et litteraturstudium med lidt feltarbejde.
Contact Morten Ingerslev,
Har ekstensiv etablerede skovenge værdi for hjortevildt? (Natur- og vildtpleje)
Der kan være flere argumenter for etablering af ekstensive skoveng såsom økonomi, naturbeskyttelse og hensyn til flora og fauna, men er deres fødeværdi for hjortevildt og dermed værdi som buffer i forhold til skader på landbrugsafgrøder ligeså stor, som ved intensivt etablerede og plejede skovenge?
Contact Leif Lauridsen, Skovfoged, HedeDanmark
How is CO2 sequestration in soil and biomass affected in a concrete afforestation project?
Often the knowledge is not put in to play when it comes to assessing the environmental impact a certain afforestation project has. With this project you have the opportunity to guide and inform a forest district or other stakeholders in relation to the environmental impact of a concrete afforestation project that is close to realisation. The Biogeochemistry research group has a lot of data on the effect of soil type and tree species on soil organic carbon. These data can be used to assess the impact of a given afforestation project and/or be used to develop planning scenarios that reflect the possibilities decision makers/managers have in order to control sequestration of organic carbon in the soil via land use distribution (open areas vs forests) or directly look at the tree species distribution (broadleaf vs. conifers or specific tree species).
Contact Lars Vesterdal
How is the percolation of water to the groundwater affected in a concrete afforestation project?
Often the knowledge is not put in to play when it comes to assessing the environmental impact a certain afforestation project has. With this project you have the opportunity to guide and inform a forest district or other stakeholders in relation to the environmental impact of a concrete afforestation project that is close to realization. The Biogeochemistry research group has a lot of data on the effect of soil type and tree species on percolation of water. These data can be used to assess the impact of a given afforestation project and/or be used to develop planning scenarios that reflect the possibilities decision makers/managers have in order to control percolation via land use distribution (open areas vs forests) or directly look at the tree species distribution (broadleaf vs. conifers or specific tree species.
Contact Per Gundersen
Hurtigt voksende træarter (Skovøkonomi)
Kulturer af hurtigt voksende træarter som redskab til at skabe indkomstudjævning på en given skovejendom. Teknik, økonomi og planlægning – evt. med en konkret skovejendom som case.
Contact Leif Lauridsen, HedeDanmark, Odense
Jordbundsudvikling under skov på leret underjord – effekt af skovdækkets historie og træarter på jordbundsudviklingen
Med udgangspunkt i eksisterende databaser med rasterdata genereret på baggrund af Den Danske Jordklassificering, andre kortkilder og punktvise jordbundsdata fra den Nationale skovovervågning har du mulighed for at fordybe dig i træarters effekt på jordbundsudviklingen på leret underbund ved hjælp af statistisk og geostatistiske analysemetoder.
Metoder: GIS, statistik, jordbundskortlægning, geostatistik, jordbundskemi
Contact Lektor Ingeborg Callesen og Seniorforsker Vivian Kvist-Johannsen, Sektion for Skov, natur og biomasse
Lektor Thomas Balstrøm, Sektion for Geografi, IGN
Kort og langsigtet økonomisk vurdering af skovtilplantning på landbrugsjord
Skovrejsning versus planteavl. Der ønskes en redegørelse for hvorledes den kortsigtede og langsigtede økonomiske konsekvens er for skovrejsning. Kan skovrejsning på landbrugsjord forsvares ud fra en stringent driftsmæssig økonomisk vurdering, en ejendomsinvesteringsmæssig tilgang eller skal der andre argumenter til såsom naturhensyn, miljøhensyn, CO2, grundvandsikring etc.
Contact Poul Jensen, HedeDanmark, Viborg
Kronvildt i plantager økonomisk fordelagtigt? (Natur- og vildtpleje)
Få en vurdering af hvor meget skader fra kronvildt, afværgeforanstaltninger med videre betyder ud fra en ren økonomisk betragtning på en konkret ejendom med stor kronvildtbestand i forhold til den økonomiske værdi af kronvildtet i form af jagtleje.
Contact Steen Riber, HedeDanmark, Kolding
Kulstofkredsløb i bymiljøer (biomasse og jord)
Haver og parker kan ses som en lysåben skov. Der er ophobet kulstof i biomassen og i jorden, men vi ved ikke hvor meget. Kan man have flere træer og bevare dødt ved og kvas i haver og parker og på den måde binde CO2 i bymiljøet. Du kan kombinere et litteraturstudium med lidt feltarbejde.
Contact Per Gundersen
Kvantificering af miljøgoder fra et konkret skovrejsningsprojekt (vandmængder, nitrat, naturindhold, kulstof)
Der er gennemført eller gang i skovrejsning rundt om i landet. Du vælger et af disse projekter (fx Elmelund skov ved Odense) og undersøger og regner på hvilke miljøgoder der kommer ud af den skovrejsningsplan man følger. Vurder alternative træartsvalg og planer i øvrigt i forhold til de mål man har for skovrejsningsprojektet.
Contact Per Gundersen
Manipulation af bundflora i skov fra græs til urteflora (Skovdyrkning)
Aktiv ændring af bundflora i skovbevoksninger med det formål at konvertere en for skovdriften skadelig bundvegetation som eksempelvis græs, til en mildere og skovdyrkningsmæssig mere interessant urteflora eksempelvis ramsløg eller anden bredbladet flora
Contact Leif Lauridsen, Skovfoged, HedeDanmark, Odense
Markedsundersøgelse (Markedsføring)
Udarbejdelse af en opgørelse af for forskellige segmenter af skovejere og en vurdering af HedeDanmarks muligheder indenfor hvert segment.
Contact Steen Riber, HedeDanmark, Kolding
Mos ”hugst” hvilken betydning har den kraftige hugst for tilvækst og langsigtet værdi af bevoksning (Skovdyrkning)
Vi praktiserer i udvalgte bevoksninger en relativ hård hugst for at optimere mos produktionen som giver et højt DB. Hvilke omkostninger har dette i form af tilvæksttab, kvalitetsforringelser med videre i forhold til indtægten.
Contact Steen Riber, HedeDanmark, Kolding
Omdannelse af konkret landbrugsejendom til naturejendom
Der ønskes identificeret motivation og virkemidler hos lodsejere, der ønsker udvikling af deres ejendom, så den omdannes fra landbrugsejendom til en naturejendom omfattende skov, enge, vådområder, søer mv. Overvejelser omkring screening af relevante offentlige støtteordninger, skal indgå. Der er mulighed for at samarbejde med Orbicon.
Contact Poul Jensen, HedeDanmark, Viborg
Optimization of an extraction method for wood
Already in the living tree does wood contain substances called extractives that help maintain its stability and durability. These substances help the tree defend itself against fungal attack. As part of an ongoing research project where we investigate these functions in more detail, it is important to know how to best extract these components. The long-term goal of the work is to use this knowledge to come up with more environmentally benign impregnation methods for wood from tree species that lack these extractives. To achieve this, the first step is to understand which extractives are present in the tree species that contain these substances and to find out how to extract them. This bachelor project will explore the use of different extraction methods/conditions of spruce and/or larch wood, with the highest possible selectivity and yield under non-destructive conditions. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of the resulting extracts are part of the work. It is expected that the laboratory work will involve extraction, gravimetry and thin layer chromatography. Possibly, gas or liquid chromatography will be used as well.
Contact Sophie Füchtner, Lisbeth G. Thygesen
Reducering af vildtskader ved etablering af vedvildtagre, vildtagre og skovenge (Natur- og vildtpleje)
Kan man reducere vildtskader fra hjortevildt i skov- og landbrug ved etablering af vedvildtagre, vildtagre og skovenge, og har muligheder for umiddelbare dækningsmuligheder i tilknytning til nævnte tiltag betydning?
Contact Leif Lauridsen, Skovfoged, HedeDanmark, Odense
Rødeg (Skovdyrkning)
Kan rødeg være et alternativ til de traditionelle træarter? F.eks. på de lette jorder, hvor den producere betydeligt mere end både bøg og eg og har et ved, som prissættes på linje med og højere end bøg. Eller som ammetræ i ”Powerkulturer” i løvtrækulturer på de bedre jorder? Den har en hurtig ungdomsvækst, men er ikke så vertikalt aggressiv som f.eks. hybridlærk. Der findes et proveniensforsøg i CE Flensborg Pltg.
Contact Leif Lauridsen, Skovfoged, HedeDanmark, Odense
Råtræpriser (Skovøkonomi)
HedeDanmark råder over et stort datamateriale bestående af salgsstatistik for salg af råtræ, opdelt på sortimenter og over en længere årrække. Hvis man behandler data, vil kunne fremstille grafer, der viser udviklingen i priser pr. sortiment. Med det tilsvarende kendskab til omkostninger + en række rimelige antagelser, kan man konstruere sig frem til en statistik over udviklingen i DB pr. sortiment og DB pr. ha over en årrække.
Contact Rasmus Willumsen, HedeDanmark, Viborg
Samarbejdsformer (Markedsføring)
Alternative samarbejdsformer mellem HedeDanmark og skovejere. Et nyt syn på det at passe skov for en ejer.
Contact Rasmus Willumsen, HedeDanmark, Viborg
Selvforyngelse af Contortafyr – biomasse og kronvildt (Skovdyrkning)
Beskrivelse af koncept selvforyngelse af Contorta, biomasseproduktion og fremme af kronvildt. ALB, Viborg Ny strategi/udviklingsplan for Frodeslund Pltg. Plantagen er ved at blive ”overtaget” af Contorta. Skal man leve med det? Eller hvad er alternativet (træart, metode og økonomi)
Contact Christian Als, Skovrider, Hedeselskabet
Selvsåning af lærk – mulighed eller trussel (Skovdyrkning)
Mange steder kommer der en livlig opvækst af lærk. kan man bygge den fremtidige bevoksning på selvsåninger og hvorledes gribes kulturplejen an (metoder og økonomi). Case i Birkebæk eller Frodeslund Pltg.
Contact Allan Bechsgaard, Skovrider, Hedeselskabet, Viborg
Synlig ledelse – på afstand (organisation)
En af HedeDanmark’s store udfordringer er distanceledelse af medarbejdere der er fysisk langt væk. Der søges undersøgt, hvilke krav dette stiller til:
- Organisationen: Hvilke muligheder og begrænsninger er der indenfor de organisatoriske rammer.
- Lederen: Hvordan sikres og styrkes den nødvendige tillid til, at medarbejderne selv kan tilrettelægge og udføre arbejdsopgaverne. Det er umiddelbart nærliggende at ”Kommunikation” må være et omdrejningspunkt.
- Medarbejderne: Hvordan sikres og styrkes medarbejdernes selvledelse, der utvivlsomt må være centralt for sådanne medarbejdere ud over at de bør være pålidelige, fleksible og velorganiserede.
Der lægges op til en kvalitativ undersøgelse hvor HD medarbejdere inddrages. Evt. afgrænsninger fra ovenstående er muligt – Det vigtige er at projektet skal være med til at styrke distanceledelsen i HD.
Contact Jacob Christiansen, HedeDanmark, Viborg
Udnyttelse af topender til flis i tyndinger (Skovdyrkning)
Der ønskes en analyse af, hvorvidt det er økonomisk fordelagtigt og under hvilke forudsætninger at udnytte topender ved tyndinger.
Contact Jesper Rasmussen, Regionschef, Skov, HedeDanmark, Viborg
Udtynding i skovrejsning på markjord (Skovdyrkning)
Tynding/pleje af skovrejsning på markjord. Problemstillingen består i at sikre produktion, kvalitet og flersidigheden i blandingsbevoksningerne, der ofte er anlagt som ”kaos” blandinger med stor andel ammetræer. Der er skrevet meget om disse skovrejsningstyper ved Christian Nørgård Nielsen, men der er ikke rigtig nogen der har taget fat i, hvordan man så ved pleje egentlig får det bedst mulige ud af bevoksningerne, og hvad økonomien er i tynding i blandingsbevoksninger.
Contact Morten Faudel, Skovfoged, HedeDanmark, Kolding
Udvisning med paint-ball pistol (Skovdyrkning)
Udvisning foretages bedst i en afstand til træet svarende til træhøjden. For at øge kapaciteten i udvisningen, specielt i forbindelse med maskinskovning i løv, kunne man tænke sig anvendt paint-ball pistol eller lignende redskab til udvisning på en afstand af 0-20 m af udvisningstræet. Der skal udvikles permanent og synlig maling.
Contact Leif Lauridsen, Skovfoged, HedeDanmark, Odense
Vildtskader versus vildtpleje (Natur- og vildtpleje)
Der er store indtægter fra jagtleje og de fylder godt i regnskaberne. Men de fulde omkostninger er ikke synlige og fremgår ikke af regnskabet. Hvad koster vildtet i form af ekstraomkostninger på kultur og skader i form af skrælninger mv? Evt. opgjort i form af en konkret case/skovejendom.
Contact Leif Lauridsen, Skovfoged, HedeDanmark, Odense
Økonomiske konsekvenser af undladelse af udrensninger (Skovdyrkning)
I en kortsigtet betragtning udsættes eller udlades udrensninger (tidlige stamtalsreduktioner) ofte i plantninger, selvforyngelser og plantninger med selvsåning af uønskede træarter. Indtrykket er, at den manglende udrensning i sidste ende forlænger omdriften. Er det korrekt og i givet fald, hvad koster det på længere sigt, at omdriften forlænges?
Contact Leif Lauridsen, Skovfoged, HedeDanmark, Odense
Examples of previous student projects
Kristian Skau Bjerreskov, 2017
Forest inventory using airborne laser scanning in structurally rich forests - An assessment of a new Danish forest resource map and its application in management planning in close-to-nature forestry. This study assess the application of a new Danish forest resource map, based on airborne laser scanning (ALS), as a planning tool in structurally rich forests. The examination is based on unmanaged stands, as well as stands with standard management and selective harvest. Estimates of growing stock from the forest resource map are compared with field measurements within each stand.
Supervisor Thomas Nord-Larsen
Simon Tofte Lorentzen, 2017
Management plan for Hvilsom Plantage 2017-2026 and the forest resource map’s capacity as a taxation tool. This study contains two parts. A management plan for Hvilsom Plantage that contains the mandatory parts in the guide for green management plans and an assessment of the forest resource map’s capacity as a taxation tool. The assessment is based on the taxation data acquired as a part of the inventory assessment for the management plan. Host: Løvenholm Gods.
Supervisor Thomas Nord Larsen, Co-supervisor Jens Christian Dahl
Tor Simonsen, 2016-17
Worked with David Canella, Benedikt Möllers and Claus Felby in relation to light induced electron transfer in LPMO’s (a group of biomass degrading enzymes).
Supervisor Claus Felby
Below is an alphabetical list over previous or ongoing projects for your inspiration.
See current projects on the KU portal here Danmark - KU Projekt & Job
The list is ordered alphabetically according to project title
Afforestation and deforestation, where and how?
Afforestation and deforestation in Denmark - where and how? Based on satellite & lidar mapping and field data from National Forest Inventory (NFI). Focus on either habitats or on a location in the landscape.
Contact Vivian Kvist Johannsen
Afforestation techniques to mitigate climate change faster
Can inoculation with old forest soils speed up soil microbial development on afforested old agricultural lands and thereby enhance the greenhouse gas mitigation potential of afforestation? In connection to a novel, ongoing pot experiment, it is possible to do a project (bachelor, master or course project) using advanced, automatic chamber technologies to measure greenhouse gas exchange on different inoculation treatments and different tree species during the period August-November 2022. We are very interested to see if different inoculations affect the different components of greenhouse gas fluxes in tree saplings and soils. Potential greenhouse gas fluxes to be measured include CO2, CH4 and N2O. The project will be a valuable contribution to a larger, ongoing project (Silva Nova).
Contact: Klaus Steenberg Larsen ( or Sascha Hellmann Hansen (
Are forest reserves saturated with nitrogen leading to nitrate leaching and soil acidification?
We have observed high nitrate leaching in a few forest reserves in Denmark. Is this a general phenomenon in regions with moderate to high nitrogen (N) deposition? In forest reserves with no harvest of biomass, there is no mechanism to remove N, thus excess N may either accumulate in the soil or leach to the groundwater. This project can combine a data compilation from the literature with field work. We will visit pairs of managed and un-managed forests for soil and soil water sampling. This will contribute to a major research project on effects of N deposition.
Contact Per Gundersen
Are invasive plant establishment enhanced by soil nutrient enrichment?
We are facing major threats to local indigenous biodiversity from a long list of invasive plants. My hypothesis is that invasion is enhanced by nutrient enrichment especially input of mineral nitrogen. I suggest analysing the soil nutrient capital and N leaching at paired plots with and with-out selected invasive species (e.g. Giant hogweed (bjørneklo), Prunus serotina (glansbladet hæg)). Practical work (indentifying sites, soil sampling, and soil analysis) can be combined with an extensive literature review. It is possible to scale this project to different sizes and one or two participants. This will contribute to a major research project on effects of N deposition.
Contact Per Gundersen
Ash Dieback I: structures of bacterial/fungal root microbiomes of selected Fraxinus species
Some species of Fraxinus are explicitly less susceptible to ash dieback caused by the pathogen H. fraxinues than other species. Since root microbiomes are known to contribute disease resistance in many plants, this project aims to investigate bacterial/fungal communities in rhizospheres of the Fraxinus species using state-of-the-art next generation sequencing.
Contact Lene Rostgaard Nielsen
Ash Dieback II: mating type and breeding of pathogenic and non-pathogenic H. fraxineus strains
Our latest results showed variation in pathogenicity of Danish H. fraxineus strains, ranging from very aggressive to non-pathogenic when inoculated onto seedlings of Common ash. This project will identify the mating types of virulent and non-virulent strains of H. fraxineus and conduct crossing experiments of the different types in the lab.
Contact Lene Rostgaard Nielsen
Ash Dieback III: does leaf anatomy play a role in infection biology?
Ash Dieback is caused by the fungus Hymenoscyphus fraxineus. The fungus enters ash leaflets via their stomata, but only in some cases does it successfully gain access from the leaf to the twig, branch and ultimately the stem. This project will focus on the possible leaf anatomy differences between susceptible and more resistant clones/species. Leaf anatomy will be studied using light microscopy and image analysis.
Contact Lene Rostgaard Nielsen; Lisbeth G. Thygesen
Belowground carbon input from roots in relation to tree species
A large part of forest carbon is sequestered belowground. Very little knowledge is available on belowground litter input from roots. Based on a unique tree species experiment where the same ensemble of tree species is planted on 6 different locations in Denmark, we seek a student to investigate fine root production and relate this to available knowledge on soil carbon stocks. The project will include installation of root in-growth bags, sequential soil sampling at field sites and laboratory incubation of roots.
Contact Inger Kappel Schmidt
Biodiversity vs. climate change
Recently there has been a discourse in the Danish public and among decision makers about forest management in relation to biodiversity and forest products. Some actors argue that biodiversity should be the main management goal in State Forests for instance by setting them aside as “untouched forests”. Others argue that carbon sequestration and substitution of fossil fuels or energy intensive building materials with forest products is more important due to climate change. This thesis project analyses this discourse for instance by making a discourse analysis and through a systematic review of publications. The aim is to analyse the actor’s viewpoints and how they argue in the public. The project can be performed for any country with a similar public discourse.
Contact Niclas Scott Bentsen (
Biological diversity in managed and unmanaged forests
Contact Inger Kappel Schmidt
Biological effects of aquaeous extracts from barks
Rain water washes down along tree branches and trunks (stemflow), and in the process extracts ions and organic compounds from the bark. The aim of this project is to find out, whether aquaeous extracts affect the growth of lichens; i.e., whether bark chemistry is responsible for differences among Danish tree species in epiphytic lichen biodiversity, that we have recorded. The study will use pure cultures of the lichen fungi, and exploit sterile cultivation on extract amended agar as a model for quantifying mycelial growth.
Contact Hanne Nina Rasmussen
Biomass investment in standing bark in Danish trees
Bark is a largely overlooked by-product of wood production and has received little interest from research. The investment made by the tree into its bark (as reflected in bark biomass) is rarely considered, and its impact on overall wood productively is largely unknown. Different strategies appear to be employed by temperate tree species in respect to amount and anatomy of bark, suggesting different functioning in the living tree. The aim of this project is to calculate and model the standing mass and volume of bark from tree base to stem top, absolute and in relation to wood, based on existing data sets from Common Garden Experiments. The expected results will show differences relating to species, growing site and tree growth rate.
Contact Thomas Nord-Larsen
Canopy interception – investigating interactive effects of tree species and climate
Canopy interception is an important evaporative loss that shape the water balance and groundwater formation below forests. Modeling canopy interception processes are central to assess the impact of land use change on the water resource, but model parameterization often relies on literature values. Furthermore, tree species and climate interact in ways to shape the canopy water balance that is currently not well understood and hence not accounted for in models. We seek a student to model canopy interception processes in different tree species in all climatic zones of Denmark to develop and improve existing parameterization of canopy interception models. The project will utilize the existing long term dataset of forest hydrology for intensive Danish forest monitoring plots.
Contact Jesper Riis Christiansen
Carbon debt and cumulative radiative forcing of bioenergy
The project addresses the carbon dynamics of bioenergy systems and the impact on global warming. The student can work with meta-analysis based on literature review of carbon debt and cumulative radiative forcing to identify factors that influence carbon debt and climate impacts from forest bioenergy. Scenario analysis and modelling the carbon debt and cumulative radiative forcing of specific bioenergy cases can also form the project.
Contact Niclas Scott Bentsen
Cattle grazing in beech forest
Affiliated to an ongoing study of long-term effects of woodland grazing; a) browse at beech in relation to stem density, b) the role of cattle dung pads as sites for germination of tree seedlings and herbs.
Contact Rita M. Buttenschøn
Characterisation of tree species for energy production
Currently bioenergy is mainly based of residual resources as harvest residues, processing waste and wood from early thinnings of forest stands. The increasing demand for bioenergy may, however, require that biomass is grown specifically for energy purposes. Willow (Salix sp.) and poplar (Populus sp.) are already grown for energy purposes in Denmark but other tree species could be relevant to consider. The project develops a multidimensional characterisation of tree species’ suitability as energy crops considering e.g. growth potential, nutrient efficiency, water use efficiency, flexibility, habitat quality, visual impact, rotation length, and adaptability. A comparison with non-woody energy crops should be included. The project builds on data from tree species trials, the national forest inventory and literature.
Contact Scott Bentsen
Chlorophyll in bark
When light penetrates tree bark, chlorophyll-containing cells photosynthesize, by re-assimilation of respiratory CO2. Bark photosynthesis is thought not only to produce local carbohydrates, but also to ameliorate the low oxygen and high CO2 levels inherent in compact plant tissues. It is not known, how trees differ with respect to amount and importance of this assimilation, the barks differing greatly in structure from top to tree base as well as among tree species. In this project it is suggested to analyse for chlorophyll contents and composition in fresh barks and measure light penetrability in excised bark.
Contact Hanne Nina Rasmussen
Climate change impact on shrubland ecosystems
Climate change is hypothesized to impact the early phases in species life cycles the most. However, most experiments are done on mature ecosystems. We seek students to study regeneration and growth of plants or insects in large scale climate change experiments.
Contact Inger Kappel Schmidt
Coffee – get your shades on
Ever wondered how climate change might impact the coffee beans in your daily cup? Keen to contribute your plant-know how to real-world solutions? Then keep reading as this may be the MSc. thesis project for you… We are seeking MSc. students with a keen interest in plant eco-physiology to be a part of our greenhouse and/or field studies which mimic agroforestry production of new coffee cultivars. You will become a master of measuring photosynthetic performance through new and classic gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence techniques of new coffee hybrids. Get real-world experience with GxE interactions through our new project titled: “Coffee - get your shade on” launching in Copenhagen (summer 2018) where we will put new Arabica F1 hybrids to the test in shaded environments. Through this project we will screen for optimal agroforestry shade cover and create models to predict which of the new hybrids will out-perform under future climate systems. You will have the chance to become a part of our European Consortium (BREEDCAFS) and network with European experts ranging across molecular plant biology, bioinformatics and agronomical development, while contributing your data to the world’s largest experimental data depository for coffee cultivars. Learn more about the BREEDCAFS project here:
Contact Anders Ræbild or Athina Koutouleas
Control of Wood small – reed (Calamagrostis epigejos)
The grass is invading dry sand grasslands and other open habitats outcompeting the more light-demanding and divers vegetation.
Contact Rita M. Buttenschøn
Current season needle necrosis
– a costly disorder of unknown origin in Abies Christmas trees . Yearly, an economic loss is realized in Danish Christmas tree production due to reddening of current season needles occurring in mid-summer and followed by needle loss. Trees are either down-graded or unsaleable causing severe economic losses – estimated up to 50 mio. kr. a year. The disorder is related to warm climate and climatic factors, and several hypotheses have been suggested including genetics, fungus and nutrition. The project goal is to summarize existing knowledge based on literature of trees and other species, and can also be supplemented with field data from own observations/field work or data in file.
Contact Ulrik Braüner Nielsen, Iben Margrete Thomsen
Dalbergia trees in Indochina
Indochina, the mainland part of Southeast Asia, is recognized as part of one of the world’s biodiversity hotspots with a high overall biodiversity and very high levels of endemism for both plant and animal species. The region has a complex geological and biographical history, with frequent and large historical changes in sea level and land areas, as well as in vegetation types and distribution. This project will use phylogeography, the study of the geographic distribution of genetic lineages within species, to study how these historical events has affected the demography and distribution of two endemic timber tree species in the area, Dalbergia cochinchinensis and Dalbergia oliveri. Several hypotheses can be evaluated, e.g. what is the origin of the two species? Is there evidence of restriction to refugial forest areas in mountainous areas during earlier glacial periods? What is the effect of the Mekong River, which transects the region, on distribution and diversification of the species? The specific contents of the project can be subject to change depending on interests.
Contact Ida Hartvig
Dead wood
Is an important habitat for biodiversity as host for many species. We have good knowledge on amount of dead wood from a number of managed and unmanaged forests but are all types of dead wood suitable habitats for fungi or insects? The project aims on studying the effect of tree species, the position of the dead wood as e.g. sun exposed, soaked in water or attached to live trees for biodiversity in forests.
Contact Inger Kappel Schmidt
Development of structures and understory vegetation in un-managed/selectively harvested stands after 60 years
Development of structures and flora in a largely untouched stand over 60 years (the stand is previously driven as selective felling, but mostly untouched for 30 years).
Contact Vivian Kvist Johannsen
Do alternative energy sources displace fossil fuels?
National policies and international agreements aim to reduce the use of fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) to reduce emissions of greenhouse gas and to mitigate climate change. Instruments applied to support such a development are different forms of subsidies for renewable energy, but does it help? The purpose of the project is to analyse how the increased production of renewable energy in Denmark has changed consumption patterns of fossil fuels and import/export of energy. The project builds on time series data from Danish energy producers and the Danish transmission system operator. The outcome of the project will inform policy making and improve environmental assessments of renewable energy production.
Contact Niclas Scott Bentsen (
Do we have the right provenances of beech for the future climate?
Growth ring analyses are useful to study the climate response of species and provenance to climate. The ring analyses can be supplemented with analysis of wood anatomical characteristics as vessel density and sizes to test the variation with climate and among provenances. Based on ring analysis, this project idea aims at testing the growth response of beech and beech provenances to climate variations, and to test if responses among provenances are explained by the originate climate of the provenances and their phenology. Alternatively, it is possible to test to what degree vessel density and size is varying with climate and among provenances.
Contact Jon Kehlet Hansen
Effects of drought on trees
The summer of 2018 has been extremely dry, and drought stressed trees can be seen almost everywhere. This provides a unique possibility for studying variability in drought response both between species and within species. Are there species or genera that show better survival than others? Are there indications that some genotypes within a species are more drought resistant than others? Potential study sites include: the Hørsholm Arboretum (where many trees and shrubs are severely stressed) and field trials across Denmark. Field work can be conducted from August 2018 until spring 2019.
Contact Anders Ræbild (, Erik Dahl Kjær ( and/or Vivian Kvist Johannsen ( as soon as possible.
Effect of native (Betula sp.) vs a non-native (Pinus mugo) on long term succession
Use the long term data series in Nørholm Heath to investigate the particular trajectories of these two species, and/or complement it with data collected at a dominance gradient for both species. Looking at effects on soil, topography and understory vegetation.
Contact Sebastian K. Rojas, Inger K. Schmidt
Effects of long-term climate change on net ecosystem carbon balance
The CLIMAITE climate change experiment have studied the effects of elevated CO2, warming and summer drought on a Danish heathland ecosystem in Jægerspris for 8 years with experimental treatments and is one of the biggest climate change experiments in the world. Terrestrial ecosystems exchange 15 times more carbon with the atmosphere each year than anthropogenic emissions and a key question in climate research is whether terrestrial ecosystems will mitigate or accelerate climate change through changes in flux rates of photosynthesis and/or respiration. In this project various aspects of ecosystem carbon exchange related to future climate change can be investigated using state-of-the-art measurement techniques and potentially modelling.
Contact Klaus Steenberg Larsen
Environmental assessment of forest production and wood products
Wood and wood products are perceived as environmentally friendly in comparison to concrete, steel and oil based products. In many applications of environmental assessment, not only of wood products, the analyst relies on databases hosted by Ecoinvent on processes and products. For forestry and wood products these databases date back to the early 2000’s. The purpose of the project is to conduct a life cycle inventory on selected forest management practices and wood products produced and used in Denmark. Furthermore the project investigates the underlying data on forest and wood production in the Ecoinvent database for its validity and relevance for Danish wood production/use. Finally the project suggests improvements and updates to the Ecoinvent database.
Contact Niclas Scott Bentsen (
Forest and grassland hydrology: Modeling the water cycle in a soil warming experiment in Iceland
Following an earthquake in southern Iceland geothermal patterns changed and lead to ‘soil warming’ below a small spruce forest and a grassland. This has been used to set up experimental gradients of soil warming where biologist are looking at the major questions in climate change ( However, no one is working on the hydrology. There are local climate data, some soil physics and time series of surface soil moisture which are suitable for calibration of soil-water-atmosphere (SWAT) models. We have obtained soil water chemistry data which after setting up the model can be used to calculate leaching fluxes. Here you will learn about the difference in water use of forests vs low vegetation. You will be able connect your work to major questions related to climate change The objectives would be i) to calibrate a SWAT-model to forest and grassland on the same site; ii) to use the calibrated model to look at the effect of warming and to provide percolation estimates; iii) to calculate element fluxes including using Cl as inert tracer to roughly validate the percolation results.
Contact Per Gundersen, Jesper Riis Christiansen
Forest as a measure of climate change adaptation
Evapotranspiration from forests has been shown to be higher than for farm land. Afforestation therefore has the potential to decrease extreme runoff events. In addition, the drainage efficiency of the soils below forest is expected to be lower than for agricultural land where artificial drainage systems are often installed. Hence, the impact of afforestation on stream discharge may be higher than predicted based on differences in evapotranspiration only. Forest areas may therefore have the potential for climate change adaptation: e.g. they act as buffers to reduce extreme runoff events and slowly release water during drier periods. However, long term impacts on water balance and groundwater formation and hence climate adaptation potential are not clear as it is expected that soil drainage capacity will change over time as a consequence of forest stand development. This project will focus mostly on processing existing data, but field work can be included to describe dynamic processes of the forest water balance.
Contact Jesper Riis Christiansen
Forest soil nitrogen enrichment and floristic changes in nitrogen deposition gradients
Nitrogen (N) deposition exceeds critical loads for N in many forests in Denmark, but it is not known to what extent this leads to soil N enrichment and to changes in ground flora composition. We will use regional and local N deposition gradients to study changes in soil chemical indicators and plant community composition with increasing N deposition. This will contribute to a major research project on effects of N deposition.
Contact Per Gundersen
Genetic variation in resistance against powdery mildew in Quercus.
Powdery mildew (Erysiphe alphitoides sensu lato) originates from Asia, but is now widespread in Europe. The fungus is mainly infecting young leaves and especially leaves of lamma (second) shoots of oak are infected. The infections reduce growth and make infected shoots susceptible to frost in the autumn. This project is aiming at quantifying the genetic variation in mildew susceptibility at lamma shoots and in lamma shoots formation and quantifying the importance of mildew susceptibility for growth, external stem quality and survival in Quercus petraea or Quercus robur.
Contact Jon Kehlet Hansen
Genetic variation in spiral grain in Sitka spruce and Norway spruce
Spiral grain is the main cause for twist in timber of Sitka spruce and Norway spruce. A genetic variation in spiral grain in the inner rings of Sitka spruce and Norway spruce has been shown in previous studies and without a genetic correlation with growth. This project can investigated if genetic variation is still present in older rings and how it is related to growth. In Norway spruce, it will be possible to use the results as input for selective thinnings in a seed orchard.
Contact Jon Kehlet Hansen
Genetic variation in tolerance to late winter frost in Coastal douglas-fir
A major drawback for the cultivation of Coastal Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) is the sensitivity to frost, and especially the phenomenon that may occur in late winter/early spring with frozen soils, frost in the night and clear sky in the day. This study is aiming at testing the hypothesis that this phenomenon is due to photo inhibition.
Contact Jon Kehlet Hansen
Hardy cattle and horses in restoration of woodlands for biodiversity
There is a growing interest for the use of year round grazing with “wild horses” in combination with cattle to restore more natural and biodiverse woodlands, but documentation of the effects of year round grazing on vegetation composition and structure, seed dispersal and forest regeneration etc. is very limited.
Contact Rita M. Buttenschøn
Has the ground flora in forests changed due to nitrogen deposition?
Nitrogen (N) deposition exceeds critical loads for N in major parts of Denmark, but it is not known if the ground flora composition in forests has changed due to N enrichment. We will resample sites with historic (prior to elevated N) information on plants and soils to answer this question. This will contribute to a major research project on effects of N deposition.
Contact Per Gundersen
Have nitrification characteristics of forest soils changed due to increased nitrogen deposition?
Nitrification is the gateway to leaching losses of nitrogen in the form of nitrate. Forest soils are often slow or non-nitrifying soils, but are they attaining the nitrifying ability as N-deposition have increased over the last 50 years. A scientist reported on the nitrifying ability in forest soils almost 100 years ago. We will try to relocate his study sites and repeat his measurements plus other modern ways to quantify the nitrifying ability. Regional and local N-deposition gradients can be included in the study as well.
Contact Per Gundersen
Health of Norway spruce in a future climate
The health in Norway spruce stands was generally poor in the end of the 1980ies and beginning of the 1990ies, but with genetic differences in health at provenance- and individual-tree level. A single factor triggering the decline in health was never found.
The study is aiming to test if genetic differences in health observed in the 1990ies are reflected in genetic differences in the response to climate. Alternatively, it could be investigated if the genetic differences in health are reflecting differences in wood anatomy. For the study, ii will be possible to sample wood cores among genotypes of Norway spruce that showed different degrees of health decline in the 1990ies.
Contact Jon Kehlet Hansen
Hot spots and hot moments of greenhouse gas dynamics in urban landscapes - Will future, greener climate adaptation in cities increase greenhouse gas emission from urban areas?
Climate adaption focuses on concentrating runoff water in receiving buffer areas where wet soils will develop and where greenhouse gas production potentially can be induced. This aspect of future climate adaptation has not been considered. We seek a student to investigate the potential greenhouse gas production and consumption in a laboratory incubation study for currently used climate adaption solutions that encompass different environmental (substrate material and vegetation) and hydrological conditions. This project will include field work and subsequent laboratory work.
Contact Jesper Riis Christiansen
Indirect land use change of (Danish) biofuel targets
Danish energy and climate targets include the use of liquid biofuels for the transport sector. In the short term to 2030 these are expected to be, at least partially, based on food crops or on other crops grown on agricultural land. Using food crops or agricultural land to produce energy has direct impacts on land use but also indirect effects (indirect land use change, iLUC) can be expected when production and use of crops and land is changed. iLUC has been shown to have a significant impact on the climate profile of biofuels, but challenges prevail in reproducing, interpreting and applying such results. The project includes a literature study on direct and indirect land use change of liquid biofuels and a case study on Danish or other countries’ targets on biofuels with a characterisation and quantification of direct and indirect land use change and associated climate impacts.
Contact Niclas Scott Bentsen
Invasion and community ecology related to the invasive harlequin ladybird (Harmonia axyridis) I
Pathogen spillback - a potential mechanism contributing to the success of the invasive harlequin ladybird? Keywords: parasite-spillback hypothesis, invasive species, entomopathogenic fungi, native insect communities, apparent competition, field/experimental lab work.
Contact Andrew Gordon Howe
Invasion and community ecology related to the invasive harlequin ladybird (Harmonia axyridis) II
Predator-predator interactions between the invasive harlequin ladybird (H. axyridis) and the native flower bug (Anthocoris nemoralis). Keywords: predator avoidance, insect behaviour, native/invasive insects interactions, co-existence, chemical cues, experimental lab work.
Contact Andrew Gordon Howe
Is deer grazing affecting nutrient cycling in forests?
There are clear visible differences in height, coverage and composition of ground vegetation inside and outside a fenced area in a forest. This is an effect of deer grassing. However, there is not much information if grazing has an effect on carbon and nutrient cycling. Soil and plant chemical indicators will be measured inside and outside enclosure that has been maintained over many years. This will contribute to a major research project on effects of N deposition.
Contact Per Gundersen
Is there more soil organic carbon in an undisturbed forest?
Currently, we lack baseline data for how much carbon there can be stored in undisturbed forest soils. This is important in terms of establishing a long term assessment of how forest soils can mitigate climate change by storing atmospheric CO2 in soil organic carbon. We recently, received new data on the soil organic carbon pool for one of Denmark’s only truly undisturbed forests, Suserup Skov. In this project it will be possible to investigate the spatial distribution of the soil organic carbon pool and compare these findings to similar measurements for other East Danish forests within the National Forest Monitoring program.
Contact Lars Vesterdal
Mating type and breeding of pathogenic and non-pathogenic H. fraxineus strains
(the fungus responsible for the ash dieback of European ash)
Our latest results showed variation in pathogenicity of Danish H. fraxineus strains, ranging from very aggressive to non-pathogenic when inoculated onto seedlings of Common ash. This project will identify the mating types of virulent and non-virulent strains of H. fraxineus and conduct crossing experiments of the different types in the lab.
Contact Lene Rostgaard Nielsen
Management of semi-natural ecosystems and trade-off between ecosystem service
Biomass harvest is a common management tool for removal of nutrients and maintaining semi-natural ecosystems open. Presently, many semi-natural ecosystems are managed with a focus on biomass harvest for energy and less focus on the consequences for plants and animal diversity, soil carbon and soil water quality. We seak one or several students to assess the impact of different commonly used management tools (biomass harvest, sod-cutting, grazing and fire) on the services these ecosystems provide. The projects will include field work at different managed heathland.
Contact Inger Kappel Schmidt
Modeling ecosystem hydrology under forest change - role of tree species and climate
This project aims to understand how tree species and climate variability will impact percolation and groundwater formation under temperate forests. Forests are instrumental to maintain and improve our drinking water quality. However, it is less well known how forest development and management regime impacts the amounts of the groundwater formation in the long term. The project will use a unique experimental study site in Denmark where the groundwater level has been followed for almost 6 decades. We seek a student to combine observations with hydrological modeling to estimate the development of the forest water balance over time.
Contact Jesper Riis Christiansen
Molecular detection of airborne pathogens
Many fungal pathogens disperse by wind, but how far do the fungal spores drift and potentially infect new hosts. Danish forestry have within the last decade see an epidemic of an apparently new and aggressive pathogen Neonectria neomacrospora which in severe cases can kill even mature firs. By setting up a field experiment, collecting air samples, extracting DNA and quantifying spore loads by qPCR the aim is to assess dispersal distances and their by qualify sanitary decisions within the forestry.
Contact Ole Kim Hansen
Nature management – the impact on nutrient stoichiometry
Does increased N deposition change the composition of nutrients in soil and plant tissue and does it affect herbivorous insects.
Contact Inger Kappel Schmidt
New forests on agricultural soil - assisted dispersal?
Denmark is going to double the forested area within the coming century. This will mainly take plave on former agricultural soil - how can we promote diversity of flora and fauna in a former agricultural landscape? Can and shall we use assisted dispersal?
Contact Inger Kappel Schmidt
Non-destructive age determination of trees
Traditionally, age determination of standing trees is made by growth ring counts on wood cores, this being a rather large interference to the tree, and potentially inaccurate as the cores can easily miss the centre of the stem. In many tree species, growth layers are also seen in the phloem. Since the bark is mainly live tissue, the wound of a short core into the bark is easily repaired. To test this potential age determination method, this project employs our collection of tree slices providing xylem growth ring counts, and corresponding preserved bark samples for microscopic inspection. The project may address which tree species are suitable for this method, its accuracy. and the age span to which it is applicable.
Contact Hanne N Rasmussen
Nutrient removals by bioenergy harvests in broadleaf forest
The nutrient removals by bioenergy harvests are reasonably well quantified for coniferous forest species. But for broadleaf species the nutrient removals needs better quantification. We have studied nutrient cycling at two sites with several broadleaf species grown in a common garden (species grown next to each other on the same soil) and from these sites thinning trees have been sampled for their biomass, but the nutrient contents still needs to be measured and combined with the biomass data. This project can combine practical work with biomass samples with regression modelling to develop general removal estimates. This will contribute to a major research project on effects of N deposition. Contact Per Gundersen
Oak health and precipitation extremes
The health of oak trees is affected by precipitation extremes that may cause water saturation of the root system within the growing season in some years and prolonged drought in others. Both situations cause water stress to the trees. Quantification and analysis of these extremes is possible since water tables in a network of forest sites has been monitored for several years.
Methods: Water table logger data, simple water balance, image analysis, GIS
Contact Ingeborg Callesen,
Organic grown Christmas trees – the aphid problem
There is an increasing interest in organic grown Christmas trees, but our main species Nordmann fir has a notorious problem of getting infected by aphids, or more correct called adelgids. The project goal is to find out possibilities to overcome this problem. Previous research has included genetic resistance, alternative chemicals, and biocontrol. It is suggested to develop a method for testing adelgid susceptibility by use of detached branches, a method to be tested by own choice on different genetic material (provenances or species) and/or applications.
Contact Ulrik Braüner Nielsen, Hans Peter Ravn, Ole Kim Hansen
Partitioning of soil respiration by means of stable isotopes
In the Danish beech forest “Lille Bøgeskov” continuous long-term measurements of fluxes of CO2 has been measured since June 1996. The site is therefore one of the longest running sites in the world. The traditional methods used to measure CO2 fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems do not distinguish between the two individual processes of autotrophic respiration (by plant roots) and heterotrophic respiration (by bacteria and fungi) in the soil. The project therefore seeks to separate these two fluxes by using stable isotopes techniques. The work will require 1-2 weeks of experimental work in the field followed by isotope analysis in an IRMS lab, and will be carried out either in spring, summer, autumn or winter. Depending on interest, the acquired data can be used together with existing data of soil respiration on the site in modelling.
Contact Klaus Steenberg Larsen or Andreas Brændholt
Phylogeography of endemic Dalbergia trees in Indochina
Indochina, the mainland part of Southeast Asia, is recognized as part of one of the world’s biodiversity hotspots with a high overall biodiversity and very high levels of endemism for both plant and animal species. The region has a complex geological and biographical history, with frequent and large historical changes in sea level and land areas, as well as in vegetation types and distribution.
This project will use phylogeography, the study of the geographic distribution of genetic lineages within species, to study how these historical events has affected the demography and distribution of two endemic timber tree species in the area, Dalbergia cochinchinensis and Dalbergia oliveri. Several hypotheses can be evaluated, e.g. what is the origin of the two species? Is there evidence of restriction to refugial forest areas in mountainous areas during earlier glacial periods? What is the effect of the Mekong River, which transects the region, on distribution and diversification of the species?
This study will be among the first of its kind in Indochina, and it is expected that the results will lead to a publication in a scientific journal.
The specific contents of the project can be subject to change depending on interests.
Contact Ida Hartvig
Post-harvest quality of Nordmann fir Christmas trees
Post-harvest needle retention is a critical consumer characteristic of a Christmas tree, and a character under strong genetic influence. Recent higher frequency of warm autumns has boosted the issues and problems of late autumn growth related to Christmas tree quality of harvested trees, indoor display and logistics. Project goal – evaluate new Danish seed orchards and compare to direct imports for traits of importance for consumer satisfaction – specially focusing on needle loss during display indoors, and/or to evaluate climate/season impact on quality. Own field and lab-trials can be performed as part of the project.
Contact Ulrik Braüner Nielsen
Prescribed burning in management of open habitats and woodlands – effects on vegetation
Experimental burnings are planned to take place in different habitats and places in Denmark as part of a project about burning as a sustainable management method of forest and open semi-natural habitats.
Contact Rita M. Buttenschøn
Remote sensing methods in monitoring effects of nature management
Contact Rita M. Buttenschøn, Vivian Kvist Johannsen
Resistance of different heathland vegetation to tree colonization
Examine the resistance of different heathland vegetation to tree colonization based on seedling survival (experimental planting) at different vegetation cover.
Contact Sebastian K. Rojas, Inger K. Schmidt
Rhododendron flowering
Rhododendrons are favorite plants in many gardens because of their conspicuous flowering. The genus is very variable and holds more than 800 species. In the Hørsholm Arboretum, we observe that our different Rhododendrons flower from early March to July, depending on the climate. Yet, the selection of garden varieties is often limited to cultivars that flower in April-May. In this project, you will get the opportunity to study Rhododendron flowering in a large number of species and how it is affected by the climate. We have registered flowering phenology for 4 years, and you may supplement these data with your own data collection in spring. Want to be a Rhododendron expert? Contact Anders Ræbild and learn more.
Sampling and analysis of flora in long-term field experiment in forests through 100 years
Samling og analyse af floraundersøgelser i langsigtede feltforsøg i skove gennem 100 år. Contact Vivian Kvist Johannsen
Soil development under forest on loamy parent material – effect of forest history and tree species
The point of departure for your thesis work is pedological soil databases (Den Danske Jorddatabase), parent material maps (GEUS) and point data from the National Forest Inventory 2x2 km grid across Denmark. It is well known that tree species and soil acidification interact and can stimulate mull or mor formation, but whether this can be quantified on soils with inherent high buffer capacity is a topic you can dive into with statistical and geostatistical methods and looking at soil chemical and physical properties.
Contact Ingeborg Callesen, Vivian Kvist-Johannsen, Thomas Balstrøm
Soil texture – the key to soil properties and functions
Soil texture is the key to physical and chemical soil properties, and something you can train to see and feel in the field. It was always time consuming to analyze soil texture. In recent decades the analytical methods have become very diverse. Here, you can test new equipment that automates the logging of the sedimentation process in the hydrometer, and compare this work with results from other methods (laser diffraction, old fashioned hydrometer), and test the quality of digital soil maps.
Methods: Soil sampling, laboratory work, spatial data
Contact Ingeborg Callesen
Soil quality, wheel tracks and ditches in forest
Soil aeration and moisture content affect the exchange of non-CO2 greenhouse gases. Forest operations using heavy machines cause soil compaction and deformation and thus affects soil aeration, but where, when and for how long? You can study this by combining field redox sensors connected to loggers with remote sensing data (LiDAR) on various soil types.
Methods: Field sensor measurements in forest, elevation models from LiDAR data and satelites.
Contact Ingeborg Callesen
Species poor grassland – effects of diversification interventions on productive soils
We are looking for two to three students (60 ECTS) whom are interested in vegetation ecology in the context of diversification of species poor grassland on productive soils. The aim of the projects is to document and evaluate the establishment methods used and subsequent management regime in order to develop sustainable and locally adapted solutions. Projects will be conducted in close collaboration with two municipalities on Zealand. Good botanical skills are an important prerequisite.
Contact Mona Chor Bjørn
Stomatal dynamics, photosynthesis and transpiration
Stomata regulate the exchange of CO2 and water vapour in and out of leaves. Therefore, they open and close according to a number of external and internal stimuli, such as light, humidity, temperature, soil moisture and ABA concentration. Opening and closing is not immediate, meaning that if plants are suddenly exposed to high light, rates of photosynthesis will be limited by CO2 availability at cell level until stomata are fully open. Likewise, in the transition from light to darkness, stomata will stay open for some time, leading to loss of water and a decrease water use efficiency. It has been shown that stomatal dynamics to some extent depend on the size of stomata, large stomata opening more slowly than small stomata. However, there is little evidence on how stomatal dynamics vary according to the seasons and with leaf age, and whether stomatal dynamics are limiting under field conditions. In this project your prime tool will be a portable gas analyzer, and you can work with crops, forbs and/or trees.
Contact Anders Ræbild
Straw for energy
Straw from agricultural fields contribute significantly to bioenergy production in Denmark. Planning is, however, hampered by lack of accurate data on straw production. Data from a large number of field experiments feeds into this project, which develops a model for straw production based on grain yield and other variables. The aim of the project is to develop more robust methods for estimating straw production than currently available.
Contact Niclas Scott Bentsen
Structures of bacterial/fungal root microbiomes of selected Fraxinus species in relation to ash dieback
Some species of Fraxinus are explicitly less susceptible to ash dieback caused by the pathogen H. fraxinues than other species. Since root microbiomes are known to contribute disease resistance in many plants, this project aims to investigate bacterial/fungal communities in rhizospheres of the Fraxinus species using state-of-the-art next generation sequencing.
Contact Lene Rostgaard Nielsen
Succession from heathland to forest – the impact of deer grazing
The deer populations can change regeneration of tree species dramatically and affect succession through selective feeding. The grazers play a significant role for both the structure and species composition of natural forests. Tree colonization has been followed for about 100 years at the abandoned 350 ha Nørholm Hede. It has shown an exponential growth for most tree species but the latest survey suggest that roe and red deer grazing seems to delay recruitment of trees. The study will include estimation of the impact of grazing and evaluation of natural deer grazing as a management tool.
Contact Inger Kappel Schmidt
Sustainable wood protection
Wood is prone to degradation by microorganisms when exposed outdoors. To overcome this challenge, the wood substrate is often surface treated with a polymer coating containing one or more active biocide ingredients. However, the use of biocides is not ideal from an environmental and healthcare (occupational and society) point of view as these chemicals are toxic. This project is a collaboration with the company Teknos, and it will seek to evaluate new and greener alternative treatments that can provide long lasting protection without negative impacts on the surroundings. The focus points will be with emphasis on bio-based alternatives as well as advanced materials and surface functionalization of wood. To this end, the project scope will be focusing on understanding both the fundamentals and structural characteristics of the interactions between wood and the active material. In addition, samples will be evaluated in accelerated tests and real-life outdoor exposure schemes as well as subjected to microbiological degradation tests. The work at KU will mainly focus on the fundamental aspects while the labs at Teknos will prepare real-life samples, formulations, outdoor/accelerated test facilities and access to microbiology tests.
Contact Emil Engelund Thybring
The invasive cordgrass spartina anglica: status, spreading and management.
A case study around Stavns Fjord Samsø in cooperation with Rambøll.
The invasive cordgrass (spartina anglica) is spreading around the North Sea mashes with potential detrimental effects to the original community structure and habitat quality for endangered species. Ten years ago, a detailed survey was made around Stavns Fjord on the Island Samsø as part of a thesis. At that time, the invasion covered a total of 40.000 m2. Today the spreading presumably continues but we don’t know quantitatively how much it spread during the last 10 years? The purpose will be to estimate the status and the spreading by use of accurate GPS tracking (potentially also by use of drone technology) and to suggest a management plan.
External supervisor will be biologist Mikkel Sønderstrup Randløv from Rambøll and cooperation with Samsø Municipality and the Danish Environmental Protection Agency will also be relevant. Supervisor Karsten Raulund-Rasmussen. 45 ECTS would be best.
Contact Karsten Raulund-Rasmussen
The summer drought 2018 and its effects on trees
The summer drought of 2018 covered large parts of North Western Europe and in Denmark was the most severe drought recorded for 100 years. Many young trees died, and also larger trees were in many cases visibly affected. From previous droughts, we know that trees may not only be affected in the growth season where the drought occurred, but that they also may be weakened through low carbohydrate status, top-dying and perhaps damaged root systems. This means that symptoms may only be revealed in the year following the drought. There are a number of questions that presently are unresolved: How much was growth affected by the drought? Are there genetic differences in drought resistance among species? Which species were the most affected? Did the drought provoke increased populations of predatory insects? At the section of Forest, Nature and Biomass we have a range of experiments and field trials that can be used to answer these questions, and you will be able to pick from a range of methods to study the effects of drought.
Contact Anders Ræbild or Erik Dahl Kjær
Trees and temperature change
Interested in how trees are affected by climate change? This could be the project for you. A couple of years ago we discovered that trees differ in their responses to elevated autumn temperatures - while some trees show increased growth, others grow slowly in the following year. Now we try to understand why by exposing different tree species to normal and high autumn temperatures. We will study the tree responses by assessing photosynthesis, sugars, growth and anatomy. Thus, whether you are interested in carbon balances, biochemistry, microscopic investigations or simply a tech geek who like to work with loggers there are chances to be involved in a real experimental setup. The temperature exposure will be in September-October 2018 at the Arboretum in Hørsholm but the plants will be followed until the end of the 2019 growth season. This means that you could start now or in 2019.
Contact Anders Ræbild or Weiwei Huang
Unmanaged forests – what characterize the forested areas, which are named un-managed
The 'abandoned' forests - what characterises the forest areas, which are listed in the National Forest Inventory (NFI) as unmanaged?
Contact Vivian Kvist Johannsen
Urban biodiversity
We work with students pursuing BSc/MSc projects which seek to understand numerous aspects of urban biodiversity. Approaches take many forms ranging from actual case-studies, monitoring of species and environmental conditions and experimental methods. Projects are usually inter-disciplinary, conducted in close collaboration with landscape architects, environmental consultants and researchers from the Section for Landscape architecture and Planning.
Contact Andrew Gordon Howe
Use of e-DNA for vegetation studies with focus on Orchids
Use of DNA extracted from environmental samples has provided useful in different applications, and it is therefore interesting to study how meta-barcoding based on DNA extracted from soil can be applied to predict the presence of rare species that cannot be observed all year round.
Contact Ida Hartvig
Wild residential areas / Vilde boligområder
Thesis: 45/60 ECTS thesis
FSB will, together with 2 other housing associations, develop a concept for how, as a general housing department, you can increase the biodiversity in the outdoor areas, increase the green experience opportunities for the residents and make the care less intensive and labor-intensive. The project consists of: A concept development, 2) A collection of cases 3) A series of measurements on biodiversity, before, during, and after the work with the individual cases
Contact Mona Chor Bjørn
Water use in oak plants
Measuring how much water plants are using and when is a difficult task. Techniques often applied include gas exchange at the single leaf level, or sap flow measurements following the trends at the stem level. Common for both approaches is that it is difficult to scale data to water consumption at the tree level. Starting from June 2020 we test an alternative approach in the Arboretum, Hørsholm, where seedlings of Quercus petrea will be weighed continuously using mini-lysimeters. Coupled with dendrometers and a meteorological station this allows us to measure water consumption at the hourly basis and model how water use depends on environmental conditions. It will be possible to make a controlled drought as part of the experiment, allowing us to see how the water use of plants are affected by drought stress and low water potential.
Contact Anders Ræbild
What happened to Norway spruce in the 90´ties – and what will happen in the future climate?
The health in Norway spruce stands was generally poor in the end of the 1980ies and beginning of the 1990ies, but with genetic differences in health at provenance- and individual-tree level. A single factor triggering the decline in health was never found. The study can test if genetic differences in health observed in the 1990ies are reflected in genetic differences in the response to climate. Also, it can be investigated if the genetic differences in health reflect differences in wood anatomy. For the study, ii will be possible to sample wood cores among genotypes of Norway spruce that showed different degrees of health decline in the 1990'ies.
Contact Jon Kehlet Hansen
What is the pool of deadwood in an undisturbed forest and how much carbon does it contain?
Deadwood plays a crucial role for biodiversity in forests, however is present in very low amounts in Danish managed forests. New estimates of the pool of deadwood and its characteristics at different degrees of decomposition are available for several tree species in one of Denmarks only truly undisturbed forests, Suserup Skov. This data offers an insight in to the little known decay dynamics of deadwood in undisturbed temperate broadleaf forests and how this affects the overall pool of deadwood and the amount of organic carbon it contains. These metrics are important indicators for biodiversity.
Contact Lars Vesterdal
Wild boars – a possible tool in conservation management
Should wild boars be reintroduced in Denmark to promote biodiversity? How do they affect vegetation composition and structure.
Contact Rita M. Buttenschøn
Will the use of alder as nursing tree increase nitrogen leaching from afforested soils?
Afforestation is often performed to protect the groundwater. Alder is a pioneer tree widely used to help establish other less robust tree species in afforestation projects. However alder also has the ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen. Will this contest groundwater protection? There are no investigations of leaching from alder forests in Denmark, but data from USA and UK show that alder forests can fix up to 75 kg N/ha/year, which can result in nitrogen leaching between 30-50 kg N/ha/year. The hypothesis is that removing the alder trees at an early stage of stand development will not result in elevated N leaching as the small trees and other undergrowth are able to take up the excess nitrogen The student can perform a comparative study of extractable nitrate concentrations in soil water in forests where alder was used as nursing tree and in tree species trials where alder is present in monoculture stands.
Contact Per Gundersen
Wood from outside forests
Presently there is only little knowledge about production and consumption of wood from outside forests. This type of wood is harvested in hedgerows, horticultural wood waste, small wooded plots in the open landscape, SRC willow etc. Many Danish energy companies and private consumers consume this wood for CHPs and wood stoves. The wood is not covered by any governance such as sustainability criteria, forest laws or similar. This project utilizes existing literature and statistics to get an overview of the resource and to estimate production and consumption of wood from outside forests in Denmark (or any other country). The aim is to evaluate whether official statistics are accurate and to suggest how they can be improved. The project can be combined with or expanded to also include a discussion about sustainability governance related to this wood resource or how this resource can be utilized in the energy system.
Contact Niclas Scott Bentsen
Wood pellets and sustainability
Denmark and other countries are in the process of bio-converting coal fired power plants so they can accept wood pellets or wood chips. The demand for wood fuels will thus grow rapidly in the coming years and this has led to questions about how sustainable this development is. A number of countries have thus imposed sustainability requirements for imported wood pellets. This project will take a look at how different countries have chosen to regulate the use of wood pellets in centralized power plants in the EU. Are these regulations sufficient to ensure environmental sustainability or are they nothing but “greenwashing” from an industry that takes advantage of the low duties on wood fuels compared to fossil fuels. Does sustainable biomass offer real GHG emission mitigation compared to coal, natural gas and marginal electricity generation? The project is conducted in collaboration with the Danish Energy Association.
Contact Niclas Scott Bentsen
Finalised theses from 2015-2019
- A Carbon Footprint Analysis of Onshore and Offshore Wind Turbines in Denmark
- A Carbon Footprint and Baseload Electricity Analysis of Tidal Lagoon Power: Using the proposed Swansea Bay Tidal Lagoon as a case study
- Adaptive Management Planning and Implementation in Ecological Restoration: A Case Study Analysis of the San Francisco Bay-Delta Watershed.
- Andreas Christof MSc: Pit dimensions in xylem.
- Assessing biodiversity in formal and informal green spaces of Copenhagen.,
- Assessing forest resources in Denmark using wall-to-wall remote sensing data, Ph.D. Thesis.
- Assessment of the Canada goose.
- Batch Pyrolysis of Cotton Stalks for Evaluation of Biochar Energy Potential
- Biodiversitet i byen, B.Sc.,
- Crane flies in managed and unmanaged forests.
- Dækrodsplanter - udvikling af rodsymmetri og enkelttræstability.
- Dead wood accumulation across nutrient gradient.
- Development of the soil and understory vegetation in oak and beech forests on sandy and moraine soils.
- Dispersal ecology of the climate adapted urban landscape.,
- Drought effects on fire recovery in the native California grass, purple needlegrass (Stipa pulchra).
- Effect of variation in soil water storage capacity on health of oaks – a case from South- and Mid Zealand, Denmark.
- Effects of severe weather events on regeneration of vegetation and soil properties in a heathland.
- Elena Diago Blay MSc: The next periurban forest in Copenhagen? A land fill restoration story.
- Eucalyptus and Paulownia as future energy crops in Denmark?
- Evaluation of the effects of the LIFE project REMAB on the breeding potential of the meadow birds Baltic dunlin (Calidris alpina schinzii), Ruff (Philomachus pugnax) and Black-tailed godwit (Limosa limosa) at Nyord and Vestamager. rmb@ign.ku
- Evolution of a barrier island, vegetation cover and climate change. A case study from Stokken.
- Facilitating Temperate Forest Garden Development. Creating Tools through Participatory Action Research.
- Flora og billefauna på Langholmen, Utterslev Mose.,
- Food preferences of red deer in Høstemark, Lille Vildmose.
- Forest biomass for energy in Europe: applying discourse analysis to understand the debate
- Fra hedebonde til hedepleje.
- Fugitive emissions from coal seam gas operations - How could a management standard help responsible invstors?
- Ground beetles in managed and unmanaged forests on Zealand.
- Growth ring features of Picea abies in relation to climate change.,
- Heathland management: effects of management regimes on nutrient pools and biodiversity.
- How does bioenergy harvesting impact on a Danish heathland as compared to traditional burning.
- Identifying the role of the management approach and the project manager on landowner participation in river restoration: Two case studies of Skjern River and Tullstorp Stream.
- Improving the forest floor: Success assessment of turf transplant in birch woodland restoration.
- Interaction of epiphytic orchid seeds with bark surfaces.
- Landscape laboratory and biodiversity Århus.,
- Lea Brinkjær Andersen MSc: A valuation of two Danish Systems for assessing conservation status of specific forest nature types.,
- Løbebillefaunaens vilkår i fragmenteret bynatur B.Sc.,
- Management of invasive Spartina at Læsø.
- Management of military heathlands in Denmark,
- Meta-barcoding reveals high contribution of shrubs and trees in the European Bison diet on Bornholm.,,
- Microhabitats for Cavity-nesting Bees and Selection of Plant Species to the Green Climate Screen.
- Mitigating CO2 emissions from shipping with e-fuels: a policy instrument analysis
- Multi-Criteria assessment of waste-based feedstocks for production of biomethane in Emilia-Romagna (Italy)
- Multidimensional characterization of energy crops in relation to green energy transition in Denmark
- Nature Quality of wooded meadows, Gisselfeldt.
- Nature2000 forest habitat types. A comparison of approaches used in Denmark, Germany, and the UK for assessing conservation status under the EU Habitat Directive article,
- Naturnær skovdrift, evaluering af skovejendom
- Naturpleje/naturplejestrategi for fortidsminder i Lejre Kommune
- Operationalising the Paris Agreement: Lessons learnt from governance systems addressing transboundary pollution
- Planlægning af naturområderne omkring Skamlingsbanken
- Plejeplan for Bjergene, Odsherred Kommune
- Plejeplan for Eskebjerg Vesterlyng
- Potentials for increasing biomass production in regeneration of beech by use of nurse crops.
- Short-term response of terrestrial vegetation to five restoration treatments in the riparian area of the Øle Å.
- Spatial heterogeneity of two Danish heathlands under different human management practices.
- Supply chain emissions and climate risks. Establishment of a quantitative model for the estimation of greenhouse gas emissions from transportation and distribution activities in companies’ supply chains
- Technical-Economic feasibility study of a stand-alone hybrid Renewable Energy System in Karpathos and Kassos, two off-grid Greek Islands in the Aegean Sea.
- The carbon debt of woody biomass for bioenergy in the EU.
- The concept of ecosystem services in heathland management.
- The debate on liquid biofuels for road transport from a European perspective
- The Energy-Water Nexus of the EU region under a changing climate and transitioning energy system.
- The impact of flooding of Quercus robur and Quercus rubra caused by increased precipitation.
- The Montreal Protocol: lessons learnt towards the implementation of the Kigali Amendment - a governance assessment
- The potential for integrating PV solar panels into the Danish Energy Sytem in the Future.
- The potential for implimenting a solar-wind hybrid solution in UNDP Country Office around the Globe.
- Unintended or unanticipated consequences - The indirect greenhouse gas effects of wood pellet consumption for energy generation.
- Woodland grazing and its effects at forest structure and vegetation composition in Grib Skov.
Skov- og Landskabsøkologi
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Inger Kappel Schmidt 35 33 16 68 |
Skov og Bioressourcer
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Thomas Nord-Larsen Seniorforsker 35 33 17 58 40 32 43 94 |
Saving the Tree of Life
The CLIMAITE experimental research facility.
Emil Engelund Thybring, Postdoc
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Skovens dag - 20/3-2019